11:06:56 am, Categories: beküldött, írta: feriur
Truffle (kama) hunting in Saudi Arabia
na mostanában sok jó szarvasgombás blogbejegyzést találok. itt van még egy érdekesség (Sand gets in my eyes blog):
Several mornings for the last two weeks, my good friend Lori and I have been out in the desert hunting for truffles. Truffles? Yes truffles - desert truffles or as they are called here kama.
We first heard about kama from a local merchant who encouraged us to go out hunting the edible potato-like mushrooms with stories of the fun he and his family had doing the same. He drew us a little sketch of what to look for - tall, thin plants with small white flowers which for some reason nearly always grow near the volcanic-like eruptions in which the kama are found.......
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