2012. március 12., hétfő

International Truffle Hunting Competition

Dear Colleagues and Trufflers,

We hereby invite you to participate on the International Truffle Hunting Competition organised by the First Hunting Cynology Conference, on Sunday, 1st April, 2012 in Gödöllő. The exact time, date and venue will be announced later on.

We do hope that this competition will become a regular meeting for trufflers all over the world.  With this competition organised yearly, we plan to provide a platform for professional communication among trufflers as well as to propagate the beauty of truffling as a profession.

The types of competitions are as follows:

1. Individual competition: individual assessment of the truffler and his/her dog, who work together to find 6 truffles in a 75 – 100 m2 designated competition ring.  The quickest couple wins.

2. Team assessment of trufflers and their dogs, to decide which country’s trufflers are quickest. Winner is the team who finds more truffles in the shortest time period. For further information on the rules and notices of the competitions see RULES AND NOTICES.

Valuable prizes are to be offered for the winners.

Competition terms and conditions

 Healthy dogs of any breed who behold a valid rabies vaccination can enroll in case they are not in heat and they are not aggressive with other dogs.

Application and payment deadline: 20th March, 2012 on szarvasgombagodollo@gmail.com or +36 70 367 1964

with the following:

- Name, nationality and contact of owner,

- Name and contact of the truffling organisation they are registered with (if it is the case)

- Name, breed, age and gender of the participating dog

The competition fee is 30 EUR or 8 000 Ft/dog.

Paying method: by banktransfer to Canisphera Kft

Swift Code:

GIBAHUHB International Bank Account: HU48 1160 0006 0000 0000 2241 8869


A Vadászkutya Magazin (Hungarian Hunting Cynology Magazine)

Gödöllői Szarvasgombász Egylet (Gödöllő Truffling Society)

Szarvasgomba-termesztők Országos Egyesülete (Truffle Cultivators’ National Organisation, Hungary)

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